After two months of dutiful service day in and day out we retired our manual cash register in exchange for an automated Point of Sale system supplied by
Hot Sauce Technologies. This is one of the many improvements we are making to increase our efficiency as we continue to expand. This also means we can move the old register and all that paperwork to make room for what will become the bar once a liquor license is received.
Dear David and Nicole,
Thank you for the opportunity to be your POS solution. It is always a pleasure to serve and to work with clients like yourself. Good luck and much success with My Place Bar & Grille!
Dianna Cho
Sales Manager
HotSauce Technologies
Mobile: 312.731.2741
No honorable mention for office cleanup and organization? Just kiding...hope all is going well for you guys. Great site, great food, and a great restaurant! I enjoyed every second I was there.
Did you have Hot Sauce install the system or did you have a 3rd party do it?
Hot Sauce came out and took care of everything. They were knowledgeable, through, detailed and down right fabulous. Stayed with us through the whole set up process and ensured we had it down before they left.
What are you going to do for support now that Hot Sauce is bankrupt? Do you know of another company that will support Hot Sauce POS?
We hadn't heard Hot Sauce was going bankrupt. We'll have to do a little more research to determine what impact that might have. If you hear anything by all means let us know.
I have also heard this & was doing a Google search to try to find out more. Any info would be appreciated
Hot Sauce Technologies filed Chapter 11 on 10/6/09. Are they still supporting you system?
The HotSauce Technologies, Inc. bankruptcy was a Chapter 11 filing - reorganization. A company called ZeeZor that has a seasoned CEO and who is very familiar with HotSauce is offering support for the HotSauce application and has obtained the right to support and distribute the software.
Yes, HotSauce filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy on 10/6/09, link below:
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